2015 Recordings

2015 Recordings

The ISB have just completed three recording projects: Music of the 90’s (including ‘new’ recordings of ‘Shine as the light’, ‘Celestial Prospect, and ‘Isaiah 40’). The accompanying 90s compilation CD includes: ‘Rolling Along’ –‘A Pastoral Symphony’ – ‘Blazon’ To complete the Heritage series, the band has recorded a CD of pre 30’s marches (a golden era for this genre). Titles include: ‘The Flag of Freedom’, ‘The Red Shield’, ‘Under Two Flags’, and ‘Pressing Onward’. This will provide a ‘Heritage’ set of CD’s from 1920 – 2000 (to be available in a boxed set from July this year. (I.e. boxed set of Heritage volumes 1-7 plus marches CD). Our final project was for a ‘repertoire’ album for the band’s forthcoming tour of Australia in October this year. This album is made up of ‘new’ or at least, nearly new material including: ‘Stand Strong’ – ‘The Adventurers’ – ‘Music for a Legacy’ – Hymn Prelude ‘Lavenham’